Crime Patrol is an Indian Hindi crime anthology series created by Subramanian S.lyer for Sony Entertainment Television India and Sony Entertainment Televsion. Crime Patrol 2.0 is the New Crime Patrol series wherein their main objective is to tell viewers about the crime which happen/May happen around them.
You can watch all the new episodes of Crime Patrol on Sony TV India Channel, Sony TV Youtube Channel or using Sony LIV OTT. Crime Patrol 2.0 Girls List, their Instagram and Biography of this season of Crime Patrol.
Actresses featuring in Crime Patrol 2.0 Full List with Instagram
Akanksha Gilani
Akanksha Gilani is an Indian actress & model. She is known for her acting skills in theatres and shows like ‘Bandhan Sath Janamo Ka’, which ran from July 2008 to June 2009 on Colors TV, ‘ Shubh Kadam’, played the character of ‘Chatori’ in a TV series ‘ Jamunia’, Agle Janam Mohe Bitiya Hi Kijo, Sanskar & many more. Read her full TV Serial Biography
Ankita Khare
Ankita Khare is a TV Actress, Model, content creator, and Social Media influencer. In this season of Crime Patrol She is going to slay with her acting and expression skills. Check out her Instagram Profile.
She learned acting professionally and has been trying to get work in TV shows and Bollywood movies for a very long time. She has been giving audiences for TV shows since 2014. Read her complete Biography.
Minakshi Kashyap
Minakshi Kashyap is an Assamese actress and model. She played several roles in various Assamese TV Shows (mainly comedy) and Series. This is the first season of Crime Patrol for Minakshi Kashyap, Hope she continues to entertain with her acting skills.
Check out her Facebook Profile.